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What is Win-Loss Research?

Companies often have trouble understanding why customers make their buying decisions. Most have been in a situation where they thought that a particular customer was an ideal match for their product, only to watch them choose the competitor's product instead. This leaves them wondering - was it because of something wrong with their offering, or because of mistakes made during their sales process? Maybe they found their prices too high or had heard bad things about them? What could the competitor be doing better than them?

Companies need to ask themselves questions so they can improve. The win-loss analysis is a good way to collect and organize customer feedback, as well as uncover major trends and prospects. By inspecting your business's success at multiple stages of the buying cycle, win-loss research identifies why you succeed or fail a particular sale—allowing you access to authentic buyer commentary so that intelligent decisions can be made based on data rather than instinct.

Companies that choose to do a win-loss analysis program make a good decision. This will help them in many ways. They will be able to better meet the needs of their customers and make informed decisions about how best to stay ahead of competitors and increase close rates. The process involves finding out what elements contribute most towards success or failure for each opportunity, so organizations can adjust accordingly and reap the rewards of significant growth.

Winning with win-loss research can provide valuable and reliable insights to help you keep track of your progress in key areas such as product–market fitting, pricing strategies, buyer persona building, the buying process journey, competition monitoring, and sales force performance. Not only is this useful for executive management but it also serves as a great learning aid for the following five teams involved.

Product marketing

If a business uses what it knows about its buyers, it can make its product more successful. The company can learn about its customers, which can help the business make sure its products are appealing and easy to understand and use.

Product management

Stay ahead of the industry curve by tracking market needs to develop and prioritize your product roadmap. Use customer insights to monitor product performance, recognize advantages and identify opportunities for growth while developing new products.


Win-loss research results can assist you in recognizing potential areas of improvement and implementing methods to reinforce your sales system. Additionally, these insights provide a way to identify growth opportunities, measure the success of your sales approach, and track how well procedures are being followed.

Competitive Intelligence

Leverage timely, competitive insights to create the strategy needed for sustained market domination. Utilizing these insights can provide you with a predictive advantage in terms of anticipating competitor moves, analyzing their abilities, and gauging public opinion on them.

Customer Success

It is important to understand why customers leave, which is called churn. This is often overlooked, but it is a very important part of a win-loss program. Keep in mind that what you see as a customer loss might be another competitor’s gain. To make the most of your investment, it is essential to thoughtfully plan and execute the win-loss analysis while involving various internal stakeholders. Taking a comprehensive approach that includes collecting and examining feedback from buyers and customers eliminates much of the trial-and-error method.

Pro tip

Appoint a program manager: To get your win-loss program going, select one person you trust to be in charge of a group of people who have a stake in the program and who are interested in the research you plan to do. This manager will help you collect data that is not biased. Once you have found this person, you can start exploring and uncovering facts!

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