Managed Corporation

Effortless Legal Solutions for Expanding Ventures

Access essential legal tools tailored for growing businesses: Share Management, Employment Agreements, Corporate Updates, and more.

Company Updates

Stay compliant and update your company effortlessly

Government Filings: Update your company through your Cali Discovery account. We take care of all government filings, ensuring your company remains compliant.

Corporate Resolutions: Cali Discovery generates all necessary corporate resolutions as you update your registered head address, directors, and officers, ensuring legal compliance.

Custom Legal Documents

Legal support for growing businesses

Legal Documents: Get all you need for Website Terms & Policies, hiring employees, bringing on new management, investors, and more.

Beyond Just Documents: Our documents go beyond templates. We personalize them, automate related resolutions, gather e-signatures, and store the final version in your account for you.

Cost-Efficient Solutions

Cut legal expenses & boost business investment

Save Thousands Annually: Keep thousands of dollars in your pocket annually by streamlining essential legal processes and agreements with Cali.

Straightforward & Transparent Pricing: Understand your legal expenses upfront. As your business expands, Cali grows alongside, providing even more support.

Discover how Cali can assist with registering your business

Business Registration


Incorporation & filings with the Government
Minute Book Management 1 Year
Company Organization Documents & Share Issuances
Phone, chat, and email support